Chicago [Transit Authority]

Chicago Transit Authority
Columbia GP-8
4/28/69 T20 [UK: 9/69] T20
Back Cover

Inside Cover

Side One
Introduction Kath 6:35
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? Lamm 4:33
Beginnings Lamm 7:58
Side Two
Questions 67 And 68 Lamm 5:04
Listen Lamm 3:22
Poem 58 Lamm 8:37
Side Three
Free Form Guitar Kath 6:53
South California Purples Lamm 6:10
I'm A Man Miller-Winwood 7:40
Side Four
Prologue, August 29, 1968 Guercio 0:57
Someday (August 29, 1968) Lamm-Pankow 4:13
Liberation Pankow 15:41
Terry Kath-guitar, lead vocals
Robert Lamm-keyboards, lead vocals
Peter Cetera-bass, lead vocals
Daniel Seraphine-drums
James Pankow-trombone, horn arrangements
Lee Loughnane-trumpet, backing vocals
Walter Parazaider-woodwind, backing vocals
§Cover Art-Painted Shingle by Nick Fasciano
Produced by: James William Guercio

Note: Soon after their first album, they dropped the "Transit Authority" from their group name.

Atlanta International Pop Festival(7/5/69)
Seattle Pop Festival(7/26/69)
Questions 67 And 68³ / Listen
Lamm (3:07) / Lamm (3:22)
Columbia 44909, 7/69 BB

A-side shows time of 3:07, actually 4:45
Atlantic City Pop Festival(8/1/69)
Texas International Pop Festival(8/30, 31/69)
New Orleans Pop Festival(9/1/69)
Toronto Rock & Roll Revival 1969(9/13/69)
Beginnings³ / Poem 58³
Lamm (2:47) / Lamm (3:49)
Columbia 45011, 10/69

12/4/69: Royal Albert Hall, London
with Curtis Knight & Eclection

Columbia KGP-24
1/26/70 T20 [UK: 3/70] T20
Back Cover

Inside Cover


Side One
Movin' In Pankow 4:05
The Road Kath 3:09
Poem For The People Lamm 5:33
In The Country Kath 6:31
Side Two
Wake Up Sunshine Lamm 2:29
Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon
   Make Me Smile Pankow 3:32
   So Much To Say, So Much To Give Pankow 1:04
   Anxiety's Moment Pankow 1:00
   West Virginia Fantasies Pankow 1:34
   Colour My World Pankow 2:58
   To Be Free Pankow 1:21
   Now More Than Ever Pankow 1:27
Side Three
Fancy Colours Lamm 5:09
25 Or 6 To 4 Lamm 4:58
Memories Of Love
   Prelude Kath-Matz 1:18
   A.M. Mourning Kath-Matz 2:05
   P.M. Mourning Kath-Matz 1:59
   Memories Of Love Kath-Matz 4:01
Side Four
It Better End Soon
   1st Movement Lamm 2:30
   2nd Movement Lamm-Parazaider 3:47
   3rd Movement Kath-Lamm 3:19
   4th Movement Lamm 1:15
   Where Do We Go From Here Cetera 2:53
Terry Kath-guitar, lead vocals
Robert Lamm-keyboards, lead vocals
Peter Cetera-bass, lead vocals
Daniel Seraphine-drums
James Pankow-trombone, horn arrangements
Lee Loughnane-trumpet, backing vocals
Walter Parazaider-woodwind, backing vocals
§Cover Art-Silver Bar Nick Fasciano
Produced by: James William Guercio

Note: Producer's Note: This endeavor should be experienced sequentially

Make Me Smile³ / Colour My World
Pankow (2:58) / Pankow (3:01)
Columbia 45127, 3/70 T20

25 Or 6 To 4³ / Where Do We Go From Here
Lamm (2:52) / Cetera (2:44)
Columbia 45194, 6/70 T20 T20

Mississippi River Festival(7/15/70)
Goose Lake International Music Festival(8/7/70)
Isle of Wight Festival of Music(8/28/70)
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?³ / Listen
Lamm (3:17) / Lamm (3:22)
Columbia 45264, 10/70 T20


Chicago III
Columbia C2 30110
1/11/71 T20 [UK: 3/71] T20
Back Cover

Inside Cover


Lyrics on Inner Sleeves

Side One
Sing A Mean Tune Kid Lamm 9:15
Loneliness Is Just A Word Lamm 2:35
What Else Can I Say Cetera 3:11
I Don't Want Your Money Kath-Lamm 4:48
Side Two
Travel Suite
   Flight 602 Lamm 2:45
   Motorboat To Mars Seraphine 1:30
   Free Lamm 2:12
   Free Country Kath-Lamm-Parazaider 5:50
   At The Sunrise Lamm 2:42
   Happy 'Cause I'm Going Home Lamm 7:25
Side Three
Mother Lamm 4:28
Lowdown Cetera-Seraphine 3:34
An Hour In The Shower
   A Hard Risin' Morning Without Breakfast Kath 1:58
   Off To Work Kath 0:45
   Fallin' Out Kath 0:48
   Dreamin' Home Kath 0:56
   Morning Blues Again Kath 1:03
Side Four
   When All The Laughter Dies In Sorrow Lascelles 1:02
   Canon Pankow 1:05
   Once Upon A Time... Pankow 2:35
   Progress? Guercio-Pankow 2:32
   The Approaching Storm Pankow 6:33
   Man Vs Man: The End Pankow 1:33
Terry Kath-guitar, lead vocals
Robert Lamm-keyboards, lead vocals
Peter Cetera-bass, lead vocals
Daniel Seraphine-drums
James Pankow-trombone, horn arrangements
Lee Loughnane-trumpet, backing vocals
Walter Parazaider-woodwind, backing vocals
§Cover Art-Tattered Flag by Natalie Williams
Produced by: James William Guercio


Free / Free Country
Lamm (2:17) / Kath-Lamm-Parazaider (5:30)
Columbia 45331, 2/71 T20

Low Down / Loneliness Is Just A Word
Cetera-Seraphine (3:34) / Lamm (2:35)
Columbia 45370, 4/71 BB

Beginnings³ / Colour My World
Lamm (2:45) / Pankow (3:01)
Columbia 45417, 6/71 T20


At Carnegie Hall
Columbia C4X 30865-69
10/25/71 T20 [UK: 11/71]
Nice 3D drawing by Fuding Cheng of Carnegie Hall included

Ginormous poster

Note: Recorded at Carnegie Hall, April 5-10, 1971.
All of the three previous albums live plus one new song!
As James Pankow said: "I hate it. The acoustics of Carnegie Hall were never meant for amplified music, and the sound
of the brass after being miked came out sounding like kazoos." 

 ➜ Live: 4/5-10, Carnegie Hall; released 2021: Chicago Live At Carnegie Hall Complete 16-CDs!

Questions 67 And 68³ / I'm A Man³
Lamm (3:25) / Miller-Winwood (3:27)
Columbia 4-45467, 9/71 BB

reissue of 1st single with new (old) b-side
Chicago plodded on, even with Kath's accidental suicide in 1978.
Double album after double album released year after year. Sounds monotonous—it was—and made millions.


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